Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007

Atomic Blogging by Alvin Phang - How to make money with Blogs at www.atomicblogging.com

It is not "new" and several products have been created about making money with blogs.

Fact is: Search engines love BLOGS!

And Alvin Phang has compiled the best stratgies about how to make money with Blogs in his new Tutorial "Atomic Blogging" auf www.atomicblogging.com

He combines it all - the graphic below says it all:

This is really Blogging on STEROIDS!

Check out Atomic Blogging from Alvin Phang at www.atomicblogging.com - by clicking here.

Alvin did a video about his new "breakthrough"-secrets about Blogging - watch this:

Check out Atomic Blogging from Alvin Phang at www.atomicblogging.com - by clicking here.

How to grow your email list

Michael Rasmussen has something new... and very interesting: How to grow your email list. And you know: The Money is in the LIST.

First, is your email list really as big as you want it
to be? Second, are you making the kind of money from
your list that you know you should be making?

If the answer to either (or both) of those questions
is "no", then you're going to love what I'm about to
tell you. You see, something special is happening on
Wednesday, June 27th, and it has everything to do with
YOU, Rene.


I've just put the finishing touches on a KILLER new
video that will teach you six advanced techniques for
making a LOT more money from your email list.

SIDENOTE: Don't have a list yet? Don't worry,
because I'll address that on Wednesday too, and show
you how you can build one FAST!

Want to know the best part? The video is FREE!

That's all the information I can reveal right now, but
make sure you look out for my email at 8:00am on
Wednesday morning with the following subject line:

"Here's How To Build A Massively Profitable
Email List"

See you Wednesday.

Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen

P.S. - Like I said before, I can't reveal all the
details about my free video yet, but I think it's
important to tell you this... it's only going to be
available for a short time, and to a limited number of

Freitag, 22. Juni 2007

Free Web 2.0 Traffic with the Web 2 Submitter at web2submitter.com

If you need more traffic to your Blog or website you should check out:

Free Web 2.0 Traffic with the Web 2 Submitter at web2submitter.com

Anik Signal made the point:

Read this about how to get WEB2.0 Traffic for FREE:

I'm talking, are you getting TRAFFIC and making
MONEY from Web 2.0 yet? You know I am yet to
really find any affiliate making good use of
Web 2.0 (besides a few in my inner circle).

It seems most are very lost as to how to
actually monetize Web 2.0. A few months back
I sent out a link to a free book written by
Jack Humphrey called "Authority Black Book"
and it was one of the best written to date
on how to monetize Web 2.0.

Also, I revealed then that starting in January,
I was personally making a HUGE leap into Web 2.0
and was going to start using multiple techniques
to drive traffic to my website(s).


1. One of my sites has had 109,785 Page Views
Since April (this year).

2. Another site gets about 300 Unique Visitors
A Day...

3. Another site (launched in February) is getting
150 Unique Visitors a Day...

By the way, this is all automated, I do very
little to actually get this traffic, at this
point it's become VIRAL!

Anyways, before I ramble on. The main reason
I am mailing you today is about a new software
that has made Web 2.0 traffic even EASIER and
I've already started using it myself!

Again, it's by Jack Humphrey and Brandon Hall,
true Web 2.0 experts and it simplifies the
entire process down to "Clicking a Button and
seeing Traffic in 15 minutes..."

Don't believe me? Go watch the video...

Web 2.0 Marketers Call This Their Secret Weapon!

Honestly, it's the most inexpensive software
I've seen in quite some time but it can provide
amazing results - many like nothing I've seen
in a LONG time.

Here are the links again:
Web 2.0 Marketers Call This Their Secret Weapon!

Watch The Video HERE

Tim Knox: Everything I know about business from www.timsmama.com

Rich Scheffren told me about an interesting new book from Tim Knox: "Everything I know about business" at www.timsmama.com

It's a very different business book from Tim Knox, as you
can tell from the title...

** Everything I Know About Business I Learned From My Mama:
A Down Home Approach To Business and Personal Success...

Tim Knox hardcover book is now available online and in book stores
across the country. You can get it for less than $20.

Tim Knox business book is raising a lot of eyebrows in the business
community, and rightly so. That's why I agreed to help him with
his book launch. You'll see how I am involved when you go to
his site and see what all the excitement is about:


Whether you've been in business for a while, or are just starting
out, I'm sure you'll pick up something big you can use in your
business right away.

That's really why I'm participating and letting you know about
Tim's new book. Because I know reading it will help you out with
your business. And that's what I'm here for.

It's actually got a humorous side to it, but don't let that sway
your thinking. It's done well and a lot of people like it. He's
sure to be on the Amazon Best-Seller List after this release.

One critic called it, "Jeff Foxworthy meets Donald Trump."

I have a lot of respect for Donald Trump, and Jeff Foxworthy
is a pretty funny and very successful guy, so I don't think you
can go wrong.

Now here's what I am doing with Tim's promotion...

When you pick up a copy of Tim's new book, he's got a little
something extra for you. Actually, it's a lot of extra digital
bonuses you'd be glad to get at any price.

And all you have to do is pick up his book from one of the links
on his site that go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders.
After you have your receipt, return to Tim's page here:


Then enter your name and receipt number to get access to a
virtual treasure chest of resources for your business without
spending one penny extra.

It's as easy as that, and there's not even a one-time offer page
or anything like that. And you'll get very recent insights and
strategies you can use to put cash in the bank, from some of
marketing's true legends.

You'll also find something special from me that I'm sure will
improve your business and turn your world on it's ear. I am on
my final draft and you'll be first in the list to receive it.

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007

The Black Mask Project Rocks...

There's a ton of buzz going around on the web about this new course called Project Blackmask, and my readers have been emailing me to askme if they should buy it.

Well, this is a touchy area, because I generally don't endorse 'black hat' (or unethical) marketing techniques. That said, there's something very important that you can learn from this, and it'll help you skyrocket your business.

Let's take fighting for example. No, I don't meanarguing or debating... I mean ACTUAL fist fighting. If you wanted to learn how to defend yourself in a fight, who would you rather learn from?
The fancy martial artist guy who is really great in a karate dojo, but who
has never been in a real fight in his entire life?? Or...The guy who has never
stepped foot in a karate dojo, but who has won over 300 street fights. I don't
know about you, but I'd pick the second guy. That doesn't mean, however, that I want to go aroundand start fights with people.

It DOES mean that I want to learn what really WORKS inthe real world, and I also want to know how to defendmyself against people who would think nothing of picking a fight with ME.

Clink this link to find out more about Project Blackmask: -->

Just CLICK HERE http://www.projectblackmask.com


Look, I don't endorse black hat marketing methods atall, but I DO endorse learning about them, and usingthose powerful methods for good (and forself-defense).

For example, did you know that there's a way that you could secretly insert a web page onto someone's website without them knowing?

Wouldn't you want to find out how that works, so that you can prevent that from happening to YOU?

There are many more techniques like this covered in the Project Blackmask course.

Things like:

* A secret loophole in the Adsense program, and how toexploit it for maximum profit. The best part? GoogleWANTS you to do it.

* Discover how the Insider generates tens of thousandsof low-competition, super-profitable keywords with anunknown, 100% automated tool.

* How some BlackMaskers turn a $12 a month investmentinto $1,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 per month in theirbank account!And much more!

Get Your Copy Now By Clicking Here http://www.projectblackmask.com

I know that the products from ChrisMcNeeney are always top notch, and he's behind the super successful team that created the Day Job Killer program.

People are raving Chris's Project Blackmask course, because he's the only one who has the guts to exposethese dark, little-known techniques, and show you howto use them to grow your business.

Like I said before, I don't endorse using any technique (no matter how powerful it is) to take advantage of people, but I DO recommend that you learn these secrets, and put them to good use in your own business.

Project Black Mask at www.projectblackmask.com is LIVE

Project Black Mask at www.projectblackmask.com is LIVE!

Boy -- this thing ROCKS THE HOUSE...

It states:

Insider Risks It All... To Reveal Tactics So Nasty... So Forbidden... So Downright Evil... You'll Suck a Billion Dollar Well Dry!

Chris (aka Day Job Killer) just released a new ebook that teaches
you how to exploit a BILLION dollar "loophole" in Google's search

And he promises:

"Say goodbye to those $10 AdSense checks...Say goodbye to the days of dropping $1000's on PPC... Because you're just minutes from the secret weapon that will finally expose thousands of wealth-builders to...Google's Dirty Little Secret...

...paying for Adwords traffic that sucks every last penny
of profits from your pocket...

...wasting your money on worthless e-books that claim to teach you up-to-date money-making techniques...

...blindly following the so-called "experts" who scream "AdSense is dead..."

...wasting your time on tactics that already stopped working LAST YEAR...

...letting Google Slap you around like a little girl..."

And the best part is you don't even have to know a thing about it
to get on the fast track to building your online fortune!

In fact...

You don't sell a product...

You don't pay to advertise anything...

You don't even need to have your own website...

Now you can get a complete blueprint that will leap-frog you past
the most seasoned pros, even if you are a complete beginner!

Just CLICK HERE www.projectblackmask.com

Project Blask Mask is very *AFFORDABLE*. Grab your copy TODAY and enjoy the new profit streams!

Just CLICK HERE http://www.projectblackmask.com

"The Insider" lays it all out there in a short and to the point, easy to read form. Whether you're an AdSenser, affiliate or completely green newbie, you now have a clear path to riches in 2007.

Save time and rake in cash immediately - before evreybody and their brother does... this will be a chance to make big money in 2007!

Ewen Chia did it again: The Newbie Cash Machine

Ewen Chia did it again: The Newbie Cash Machine

Ewen Chia is on e of the internet maketers that DELIVER what they promise... and that means something!

He has helped me a lot when I first started online four years ago.

This guy sells so many products as an affiliate for Marlon Sanders (great marketer also) that Marlon did an endorsement for his "super"-affiliate.

What is the "The Newbie Cash Machine"?

If you are "new" to the Internet, the Marketing on the Internet or if you just want solid informations: "The Newbie Cash Machine" is for you.

When I read the "The Newbie Cash Machine" by Ewen Chia, I wish I could have read it four years ago, when I started online.

Click here to take a look at Ewen Chias "Newbie Cash Machine"

Self Generating Content with the Happar Script at Happar.com

Unbelieveable! Self Generating Content with the Happar Script at Happar.com...

I could not believe that there is a script out there that could still produce sites in masses and will work.

I thought the time for the sitebuilder software and scripts were over - those "nice" times were I blasted Traffic Equalizer sites "out" in thousends, put a high PR Link to it and made a ton of money - every day.


Right now there is a new piece of software out there that WORKS AGAIN!!! :-)))

It´s the Happar Script from Happar (undercover name: simplyshed).

It has a support forum right on the sales page.

Although the price seems a little "high" at 149.99$ I think it is worth every penny.

Click here and check it out yourself.

Freitag, 15. Juni 2007

Breaking News from David Thompson: 'Short Report Profits' - Resell Rights Bootcamp

Check this out from David Thompson:

Hi Richard,

for the last 3 years my email account has been flooded
with emails about new products, JV Proposals, feedback,
comments, payment notifications plus I'm also subscribed
to any and every e-zine and newsletter on the Internet. LOL

Anyway between all the payment notifications, ezines
and newsletters plus all the other emails, sometimes one
or two stands out among the crowd.

I received an email from an English bloke called James Penn
asking me to review his brand new products called
'Short Report Profits'.

In a hurry go here now...

It took me a couple days after I downloaded it to open
and read it but once I started reading I couldn't stop
I was pleasantly blown away. You know sometimes you
buy these reports that promises to teach you how to do
this or that but you end up just asking for a refund
because it was just a 10 to 30 pages of ads and
nothing more.

Well what James has done is he's created a simple
step by step real instruction to researching, writing
or outsourcing, selling and marketing your brand new
reports, more or less an A to Z guide on a shoestring

This is not some fluff crap you see selling everywhere
online that has lots of info but not enough real instruction...

So if you're sick to death of those programs, ebooks,
training guides that say they're "simple" but really aren't...

You need and I'm not asking I'm telling you, you need
to get your hands on 'Short Report Profits' today not
tomorrow or next week but now, so stop reading
and go check it out.

I hope you've had a great week so far
because it's the start of the weekend and it's about to
be turned upside down.

Here's why:

You've been drafted for Bootcamp. LOL

But don't panic It's only the 'Resell Rights'...

...But you'll wish you had attended years ago!

Because this one's gonna jam so much cash in your pockets
you'll have to get cargo pants with even more pockets just
to lug it all to the bank every day.

Think that's hype?

File a complaint with The General. Better yet, here's your
chance to prove him wrong. That is..

IF you have what it takes!

Effective immediately, The General has issued your 'orders'
to report to the.. Resell Rights Bootcamp:

Here's your one chance to become a member of an elite unit
of profitable Resell Rights master marketers - Just Click Here to find out more.

A full scale attack on Resell Rights is taking place right now.
You can either join the ranks 'for battle' or be left behind.

Are you ready to accept the challenge?

This exclusive bootcamp can turn you into a mega profitable
Resell Rights mercenary.

You'll get in depth, step by step training that you've always
wanted, and were beginning to think non-existant.

The Resell Rights Bootcamp is designed so that any marketer can participate in special ops training, regardless of current financial situation or experience level.

In just 5 minutes from now, you'll gain full & instant access to:

-- Bootcamp Teleconference Recordings

-- Special Ops Training #1 - Your Profit Funnel

-- Special Ops Training #2 - Your Own Reseller Store

-- Special Ops Training #3 - The Resell Rights Master Strategy

-- Special Ops Training #4 - Authority Reseller Strategy

-- Special Ops Training #5 - The Resell Rights Chain Strategy

-- Special Ops Training #6 - The Content Is King Strategy

- Bootcamp Video Series

- Bootcamp Worksheets

- Bootcamp Check List

- Bootcamp Process Maps

=> http://www.resellrightsbootcamp.com/

20 lucky recruits gladly forked over $497 to discover this
proprietary system!

But you're going to get a ticket to access this 6-week
intensive for an *extremely* tiny fraction if you hurry.

The FIRST 500 will get the secrets to this, never before
released, profit system at a huge discount!

PLUS receive a BONUS set of newly-released Traffic
videos -- with Master Resale Rights!!

Everything you need to setup your own resell rights empire is waiting for you HERE.

Report to the Resell Rights Bootcamp now. Don't keep The
General waiting!

Good luck "soldier",

See you soon and have a great weekend.

David Thompson

Adwordstycoon the 3rd

It is open -- and it costs...

After the AdWords Tycoons private launch was completely
sold out faster than a blink of an eye, they received
hundreds of angry emails from frustrated fellows who
missed it, literally begging them to re-open the website
just for a few minutes.

As they don't want too many people get mad about them,
they agreed!

The only thing is that they didn't say a specific
closing time.
They want to give everybody a fair chance to get the package,
but they can close the website any minute now!

Now, we assume the website will be open for a day or two, but
we can't guarantee, so we strongly recommend you not to miss
this once in a lifetime opportunity, and go to the AdWords
Tycoons website right now!


While in, don't miss their amazing earning videos (you should
scroll down a little for that), where they show how they made
$7000 a day and more than $500,000 a month! These videos are
MUST see!

Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2007

XSitePro Version 2 - Released soon

The new version of Xsite Pro V2 will soon be "released"...

XSitePro Version 1 has revolutionized the way many leading
Internet marketers develop web sites.

Here's what Tom Hendricks had to say.

"Wow! I've used Frontpage for years and it's been pretty good. I
tried Dreamweaver and it's tougher to master. Those packages
aren't even in the same ballpark. All I can say now (since I
already own it) is that this package is highly under-priced. It
truly is worth it's weight in gold."

And if you're worried that you might not be able to master this
incredibly powerful web site development tool, read what Holly
Cotter, a highly respected Internet marketing coach, has to say
on the subject.

"XSitePro is awesome! It is so easy to use that a grade school
kid (or as grade school kids are so computer-literate these
days, perhaps I should say an 80 year old grandmother) could
create beautiful web sites in no time ... without knowing one
lick of HTML. This is hands down the BEST software of
its type on the market, and I am recommending it to ALL my coaching

Chris Bloor puts it wonderfully when he says:

"A drover's dog could build a great looking website with this!"
And if your on-line career is in need of a jump-start have a
read of what Arif Shakir had to say:

"I'm a beginner in the Internet marketing business and I must
say that XSitePro has jump started me tremendously. I can't
believe the things I am able to do, and neither can my family."
And these are just a handful of the thousands of testimonials
that have come in over the past two years.

Here are a few one-liners to give you an idea of the incredibly
passionate support that XSitePro users have for the software.

"Anyone not using your product, in my opinion, is a masochist
and a fool"

"XSitePro delivers on it's promises 1000 times over"

"A dream come true for anyone interested in publishing
professional web sites"

"If you learn the basics, it is impossible to make a bad site"

"I can honestly say that XSitePro is just about the best piece
of software I've EVER encountered"

"Very easy to use even by a child or an idiot like me"

"I wish I'd found it sooner before I wasted my hard-earned money
on other loser software"

"XSitePro is the software I use exclusively now and it keeps
getting better"

You can read these testimonials in full (and lots more) in full - JUST CLICK HERE

And here's the great thing. All of these comments relate to
version 1 of XSitePro. Imagine what people are going to say when
they see version 2, which is due for release in a few months

At this point, you might be thinking that it will be better to
hold-off and wait for V2 to come out, but you'd be so wrong. It
wouldn't be the right move at all!


Firstly, the new version won't be released for at least four
months so you'd be missing out on having this incredibly
powerful tool at your disposal right now.

Secondly, it is highly likely that the price of version two will
go up. By taking advantage of this offer right now you'll be
getting XSitePro at the current price, which could represent a
substantial saving.

And then there's the real BIGGY!

If you buy XSitePro version one right now you will get version
two for NOTHING!

That's right. As soon as version two is released later in the
year you'll get a special code to get your upgrade without
having to even take your credit card out of your wallet.

Let me just recap on that ...

- You'll have the software to use right now

- You'll get it at the current price and not risk any price
increases for version 2

AND ...

- You'll get version 2 included in the price.

So don't waste another minute.

Have a read of the testimonials above and ask yourself whether
you're serious about your online business and if the answer is
YES, get yourself over to the link below and get your copy of
XSitePro right now - before it's too late.

JUST CLICK HERE to find out more...

Wishing you every success,


PS: Click here to view the "7 Reasons Why You Need XSitePro Now!" video

PPS: Paul Smithson wrote to me about the program XSitePro Version 2:

We're busy working away on V2 of XSitePro. If all goes to plan
it will be released this autumn. In the meantime I need to let
everyone know that anyone purchasing the current version of
XSitePro V1.56, right now, will automatically qualify for a free
upgrade to V2 when it is released.

It seems a shame to not let everyone know about this free
upgrade offer, which is why I need your help letting everyone

Existing users will be able to get the upgrade at a greatly
reduced price, but any new customers, such as the people on your
list, will qualify for a free upgrade if they buy it now.

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2007

Rich Schefren releases a new report

Rich Schefren releases a new report.

You should consider it AND watch the optin page as well... very good.

You're getting this pre-release alert because
you're on my subscriber list.

That's important because I'm about to release
another manifesto style report, only this time I
plan on limiting the quantity we release.

What that means is some people are definitely
going to miss the chance, and not get a copy.

If you've benefited from my Manifesto trilogy,
you're going to be blown away by my newest
Advisory, "The Attention Age Doctrine".

To get it, all you need to do is reserve your copy
now - before it's too late.


I'll be in touch in a day or two...

To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren

Montag, 11. Juni 2007

Adwordstycoons from adwordstycoons.com - AGAIN...

It is here again... Adwordstycoons

We've never seen anything like it.

The rush for the soon to be released AdWords Tycoons course
reminds me of a bunch of teen girls at a Beatles concert
from the sixties.

The incredible promise of this program is obviously striking a
chord with a great number of frustrated marketers, and they are
rushing to get onboard by the thousands!

The pre-launch notification list is already bursting at the seams,

We don't know about you, but that tells me that if you snooze on
this, you're surely going to LOSE.


We've personally reviewed the material these underground millionaires
have put together, and I tell you this:

There is nothing like it available anywhere else, at any price.

Their claim that they earn over $500,000 monthly, with these exact
same techniques is not only plausible...

They prove it in black and white and even on video.

So if you haven't checked that out yet, you are doing yourself a
disservice, indeed.


When this hits the street, those in the know are going to be
laughing all the way to the bank. Are you going to be one of them?

The AdWords Tycoons are willing to prove it to you. Take them up
on that Right Now, and get signed in.

You can shower us with gratitude later ;-)

7 secrets you will not believe...

7 secrets you will not believe by Mark Wellsby:

Imagine for a minute that with a simple reallocation of funds
you could utterly and completely OWN your niche.

And when I say own it, I mean your own site AND your "competitor"
sites are also yours.

The entire first two pages on Google are FILLED with one site you
own after another.

Right now, there's only one other guy I can think of that knows
this technique.

Look, a lot of people can show you how to get first page Google
rankings. You're probably aware that I sell several products
to show you how.

But what I'm talking about here is WAAAAAY better than that.

You could think of it like this.

Lets say you wanted to buy a car. You went around looking at
chevy's, toyota's, Ford's, and mitsubishi's.

You settle on one of those cars ... then find out later that ...


How much money would you make in your niche if it was the same
way with you? Nearly every business in your niche was yours.

Your site is yours ... and so is almost everyone of the competing

That's pretty much what I do with my web businesses.

For most of the niches I "play" in ... I'm really the only guy.

Sure there seems to be competing products and sites and all that,
but really, it's all mine.

Now you could try and do something like that the long way and build
from scratch every "competing site".

But that would be a seriously EXPENSIVE way to go about it.

Or you can use the method me and this other guy use.

Now, me and this other guy, we quietly go about our sneaky method
for strolling into a niche we like, and snapping up every single
competitor ... get this ... without really spending a dime out
of our pocket.

Now I know that sounds "hypish", but it's true.

I've put together a quick video to get you started on this.

I'm serious folks, you won't believe this. It's so simple, so
brilliant, you're going to kick yourself for not thinking of it

Make your own decision...

Leveraging Existing Content: how to make more money by leveraging your existing content

I know Michael Rasmussen for a long time now and if you did not subscribe to his newsletter you definetly should.

Here is a piece of gold:

This is the second part of the two-part series on how
to make more money by leveraging your existing

In this issue, I continue to teach you 5 unique ways
to take your existing content, and transform it into
another income stream for yourself. I recently posted
about this on a discussion forum, and it was a HOT
topic, so you're not going to want to miss this one.

Download it here. This is a PDF file, so right click
on the link below, and choose 'Save Target As' to
download it to your hard drive.

=> http://MichaelRasmussen.com/newsletters/ims20.pdf

NOTE: If you've ever bought the private label resale
rights to any products in the past, then you
DEFINITELY need to read this issue, because this will
show you how to differentiate yourself from everyone
else who bought the same package.

Here's a small sample of what you'll learn in the new

* How to transform your content into a stream of viral
traffic that keeps getting larger and larger. If you
like getting tons of traffic for free, then make sure
you check out tactic #6.

* Give your existing eBook to an editor, and have them
create one of THESE, and you'll develop a list of
loyal subscribers who eagerly await your next email.

* If you like making easy money, then check out tactic
#9. You'll learn how to make 3 times as much money
from your existing product by making a simple change
that takes 15 minutes.

* 2 unique ways to turn your content into moneymaking

Go ahead and download it right away, because I'm only
leaving it up on the website for a few days. Here's
the URL to download your fr_ee copy:

=> http://MichaelRasmussen.com/newsletters/ims20.pdf

This file is a PDF file and requires Acrobat Reader
for viewing (most often already installed in your
computer). Right click on the link below and "SAVE" on
your desktop. Once it is downloaded, VIEW the file by
double clicking the file.

Take care and enjoy your lastest issue.

Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen

Strategic Profits from Carlos Garcia and Lupe Garcia

Strategic Profits from Carlos Garcia and Lupe Garcia at www.strategicprofits.com

I got this mail from Rich Schefren today about a "knew" program...

Every now and then you hear about a LEGENDARY
Internet entrepreneur.

Well, if you've ever heard of Carlos and Lupe
Garcia, then you know what I'm talking about.

In fact, if you attended my last seminar you most
likely met them. What you may have not know is...

They've run over 5 MILLION dollars PER MONTH through
their merchant accounts.

They've had BILLIONS of impressions run through
their adservers.

They've generated MORE TRAFFIC than some of the
biggest fortune 500 companies.

More to the point, they know how to get MASSIVE
AMOUNTS of traffic to their websites.

And they do it all without Google, SEO, JV Partners
or search engines.

You always knew there was more to traffic than just
SEO or Adwords.

And now, for the first time ever, their traffic
tactics are going to be revealed...

Check out this video to see what everybody is raving


And Buck Rizvi (the Co-Reg Guy) says about Carlos:

I attend a lot of Internet Marketing conferences each year.

Sometimes I'm speaking, but most of the time I'm a student,
digging for golden nuggets that will catapult my business to the
next level.

Earlier this Spring, I was attending Yanik Silver's
Underground III "Mission Profitable" Seminar in my home town of DC.

The lineup was good, but I was MOST impressed by a young husband and
wife team who talked about how they had dropped out of high school
and went on to build up their online business to a staggering

Yanik has known Carlos and Lupe Garcia for years and this was the
first time they had ever spoken in public about their success...

...and it showed!

They were not smooth talking expert presenters, these
were real people doing what 99.9% of the rest of the Internet Marketing
community is NOT doing...and making a killing!

I was so BLOWN AWAY by their presentation that when they announced
a $25,000 Private Coaching program, I was the FIRST person in line to
sign up (ask Yanik)...

And a veritable STAMPEDE was right behind me!

Shortly after joining their program, I've already recouped over
10X my investment. That's more than $250,000 in additional revenue I
directly attribute to Carlos & Lupe's private coaching.

Sonntag, 10. Juni 2007

Network Marketing and the Internet...

Can the internet be used to build your network marketing?

An answer by Mike Ray:

Over 1 Billion people online… with that in mind I would have to say YES, the internet is perfect for business building.

It is fast.
It is exciting.
It is somewhat interactive.
It is growing faster than a speeding bullet.
It is profitable for those who master it’s inner secrets of success.

For example, how did I build a million dollar business?

With my computer and a telephone!

Telephone alone, I would have made much less.

Internet alone, I would have made less.

Combined, the internet and my telephone and I have created a duplicatable system that anyone can model in their own business.

It can make you a little money… or a lot of money.

It can make your life easier.

It can make you happier (who isn’t happier by working more and working less!)

It is something you MUST master. Find the way to combining online speed and tools with offline personalization, and you have a WINNER.

After years of testing, tweaking, flopping and succeeding… I have completed the most powerful system for building your network marketing business into a million dollar money machine.

That may sound kinda like hype… rest assured it is not. It works for me, and it works for those who learn it.

The system I use to create a successful business runs on autopilot.

Once you set it up:
- it helps you find leads
- it warms them up to you
- it does a fair amount of the education and presentations for you
- it answers xobjections
- it makes sure they are a good fit for your organization.
- and when they are, it gets them signed up, trained (some automatically and some by phone), and recruiting on their own like a madman (or mad person, to be politically correct).

It is a system I have documented and want to show you how it works.

You're going to find the information in this book invaluable if:

* You know there is an easier, more friendly way to grow your business
* You want to improve your online networking skills
* You don’t want to hassle your frien ds, family or co-workers
* You're always looking for new clients or customers
* You want a simple way to meet new people and make new friends
* You want to establish online business relationships
* You don't like talking to people you don't know
* You want to make a lot more money, but don’t know how

Honestly, this is the same system that makes me, and many people I work with a very large income… without a lot of work.

Have a look at this page http://mikerayebook.com/leveragedincome and let me know your thoughts.

I encourage your questions or comments.

And it is completely guaranteed.

See for yourself http://mikerayebook.com/leveragedincome

To your business building success,

Mike Ray

Make Money on the Internet Fast or Easiest - How to Start?

Make Money on the Internet Fast or Easiest - How to Start?

One of the questions that is asked the most here is:

If I had to make money on the
internet the fastest/easiest, how would
you recommend I start?

Anik Signal gave a near to perfect answer:

You actually have a few different
options, I'll evaluate them here:

1. Sell your own product.
I think you need to already have
marketing knowledge to succeed
fast (not to mention an actual
sellable product).

2. Become an affiliate.
You have a few options:

PPC Affiliate - From my experience
you need to have some patience here
to learn, also maybe a bit of a budget.

Search Affiliate - DEFINITELY need
some time for any "decent" traffic.

Email Affiliate - Now, if you learn
a few simple traffic generation
strategies (including PPC), you can
start generating leads very fast.

The best part is you can market to
these leads forever!

In my personal preference, I recommend
becoming an "Email Affiliate" simply
because you start off building a TRUE
asset and you set yourself up to have
growing income for life!

The only catch is, what is the best way
to build a qualified list and what is the
best way to generate quick traffic to
do this?

This is the exact question(s) I answered
last year in 2 sold out coaching groups
where the participants paid over $1,000
a seat!

Well, good news is that I'm releasing
that entire course now for everyone and
it's no where near the $1,000 price.


Remember, if you're looking for a jump
start, that is exactly what this course
can provide you.

Donnerstag, 7. Juni 2007

Adwords Tycoons

Did you hear how many affiliates and marketers registered so
far to the "AdWords Tycoons" private launch? While writing
these lines it was 43,212. Almost ~7000 new exited marketers
are registered every single day.

No doubt that this is going to be the launch of the summer,
and this is not surprising...

According to the registration rate, most likely you already
secured your place in their private launch and watched their
amazing earnings videos, but if you didn't already, I strongly
recommend you to do that, because you'll get access to see
the potential of the "non gurus" internet marketing world,
and where you can reach too.

The "AdWords Tycoons" is the living proof that fellows just
like you, who are not members in any "member only guru
clique", can make it big time on the internet.

While other so called "gurus" making a few bucks and run out
to tell everybody, these modest fellows who prefer to stay
away from the "hyped" crowd, walk their talk and make their
millions quietly.

Ari Galper "UNlock the Game"

Ari Galper is one of the Marketers that are not so well known.

He is very much for: treating people like humans and not like prospects.

Here is, what Ari wrote me today

From time to time, I get an email from someone who found my
website, immediately absorbed all of my materials and forged
forward to make their own personal breakthrough by breaking
all the "rules" they were supposed to follow.

Peter's story that you're about to read, references the
Insurance industry, but I can assure you there are plenty of
selling "rules" in your industry that are probably holding
you back.

You'll learn how Peter shifted his mindset to "connect" with
his prospects instead of trying to "sell" them... and that's
why he's ahead of the pack.

Connecting with people is something that has been lost in
our business world and I'm determined to bring it back.

Here's Peter's story in his own words:


To your success,


Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2007

Michael Rasmussen Marketing Letter

Michael Rasmussen is a honest marketer and has value to offer.

Check out his newsletter:

Michael Rasmussen here, and I just wanted
to send you a quick note to let you know that the
newest issue of my Internet Marketing Success
Newsletter has been posted.

This is the first part of the two-part series on how
to make more money by leveraging your existing

Download it here. This is a PDF file, so right click
on the link below, and choose 'Save Target As' to
download it to your hard drive.

=> http://MichaelRasmussen.com/newsletters/ims19.pdf

In this issue, I teach you 5 unique ways to take your
existing content, and transform it into another income
stream for yourself. I recently posted about this on a
discussion forum, and it was a HOT topic, so you're
not going to want to miss this one.

NOTE: If you've ever bought the private label resale
rights to any products in the past, then you
DEFINITELY need to read this issue, because this will
show you how to differentiate yourself from everyone
else who bought the same package.

Here's a small sample of what you'll learn in the new

* The single most important ingredient your content
MUST have in order for you to leverage it into more
money (without this, you can't do anything with your
content, guaranteed!).

* How to take a small chunk of your content, and turn
it into a special little package that will SKYROCKET
the results of your next email promotion!

* If you like making easy money, then check out tactic
#2 for the simple solution that can bring you a steady
stream of sales - WITHOUT spending a dime!

* How to 'downgrade' your product, and actually get
MORE customers, and make MORE money than you did by
selling it at full price! Have you tried this advanced
marketing tactic yet?

* The single biggest mistake that marketers make when
turning their content into articles, and how to avoid

Go ahead and download it right away, because I'm only
leaving it up on the website for a few days. Here's
the URL to download your free copy:

=> http://MichaelRasmussen.com/newsletters/ims19.pdf

This file is a PDF file and requires Acrobat Reader
for viewing (most often already installed in your
computer). Right click on the link below and "SAVE" on
your desktop. Once it is downloaded, VIEW the file by
double clicking the file.

Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007

CMS Infusion and the Marketing Main Event 3

What is CMS Infusion and the Marketing Main Event 3? The BUZZ and the HYPE is great.

Time to answer some questions.

CMS Infusion is part of
Marketing Main Event 3. I wasn't going to mention it, as I am
putting 100% of my energies at the moment into Emergency Cash
Plans. However, because of the emails that I did receive asking for
my advice, I therefore thought that it was almost my duty to inform
you about it.

On the surface, CMS Infusion is a Content Management System (CMS).
CMS's have been around for years and you can pay anywhere between
thousands of dollars and zero. Basically a CMS is a way to be able
to edit and organize information and data on a website. For
example, a blog is a CMS. A shopping basket could also be described
as a CMS.

There have previously been CMS's designed for internet marketers
such as Butterfly Marketing, Motivated Marketing System and Launch
Formula Marketing. However, these may have controlled the ecommerce
or the affiliate aspect but none have controlled the whole package.
Especially when it comes down to membership sites.

What CMS Infusion has done is to cover every base that you would
ever need whether it is member-management, product delivery,
Joint-Venture Relations or almost anything else that you could
think of.

The power of CMS Infusion is remarkable and far surpasses anything
that I have ever seen developed before online for internet
marketers. That is not hype, but truth and fact. However, that
doesn't necessary mean that you therefore need it just because of
how great it is...

Ben Shaffer says about CMS Infusion and the Marketing Main Event 3:

I have been marketing online for a few years now, and without
blowing my own trumpet have been very successful online. Part of
the reason of my success has been due to the fact that I have taken
action. Another thing I have in my favor that I am very lucky about
is that I have fairly advanced programming skills. For example,
with Emergency Cash Plan, I created the whole backend system myself
which probably would have cost 10-20,000 dollars had I paid
somebody else to do it. In turn, this launch has brought me Tens of
Thousands of Dollars in return. Had CMS Infusion been around when I
was developing my own system would I have used it? Are you joking?!
Of course I would have done. Not only because it has a remarkable
amount more features, but also because it has been tried and tested
and also it would have meant I could have spent my time on other
aspects of my project.

And Ben makes some more important notes about CMS Infusion and the Marketing Main Event 3...

I don't know you, so I can't say exactly what level you are at or
where you are going. However, I do know that you would like to
improve you life financially and are looking for guidance how you
can do this. I also know that you are able to use a computer and
download your email. You can also use the internet and point and
click. If all of the above and more (which is quite likely!) and
you are able to create a profitable site with CMS Infusion.

If you are like me, then you have many ideas on how you can make
money online. No doubt you have the next million dollar idea. And
that idea really could be the next million dollar idea. I see some
things being ridiculously successful which I never thought would
be. Sometimes people approach me to partner with them ideas. For
whatever reason, I say no and I then kick myself when I see how
successful they have been with somebody else.

So what is stopping you from putting that Million Dollar Idea into

Perhaps you are lacking in time?
Perhaps you are not confident enough that it will work?
Perhaps you are not sure how to actually launch it to the world?

I would guess that it is a combination of the above 3 plus a
fourth. And the fourth is that you don't have the technical
expertise to put together a system which will be able to put your
idea into practice.

And that is where Marketing Main Event and its flag-ship product
CMS Infusion comes in. What Marketing Main Event is about is
putting ideas into practice. Taking ideas from the drawing board
and actually putting them into action. CMS Infusion has been built
with this in mind. If you have seen the preview videos, then you
will know that it is extremely step-by-step and if you can
point-and-click then you will be able to build the most remarkably
advanced sites within hours - even if you have no technical

I have been blown away by the whole system as have many other
people online. As a programmer, I know the difficulty in building a
system that works effectively. For them to not only do this, but
also make it accessbile to all is truly remarkable.

For me, and hopefully for you, CMS Infusion is about taking your
dream and idea and turn it into reality.

There is so much more that I would like to tell you about the system.

I would love to tell you about all of the features.
I would love to tell you about all of the different plugins.
I would love to tell you about all of the other things that you
will get as part of MME3 apart from just CMS Infusion
I would love to tell you about the fast-mover bonuses which will
blow you away when you see what they are.

But if I tell you about everything else then I fear that this email
would turn into a book!!!

When you see what Marketing Main Event 3 contains, I know that you
will want to buy it. But before you do, I would strongly advise you
to take a look at what bonuses are available from different

Enough said.

The Rick Jerk is Promoting a Playboy Party

The Rick Jerk is Promoting a Playboy Party -- and his invitation is as rude as always...

Read this:

Dear Loser,

I sent you this email last Friday but the mail servers has problems
and the f.ilters ripped it apart.

And since this is likely the most IMPORTANT email you'll receive from
me this year, you NEED to see it.

So here it is again:

I promised you an update on my upcoming LEGENDARY party
at the Playboy Mansion in Beverly Hills, CA in July.

And the deal is done. The date is set. And your broke a.ss
most likely ain't gonna be there.

Why did I say "most likely" instead of "NO FUKING WAY"?

Because you DO have a miniscule chance to attend. But I'm
talking almost zero percent.

Wanna find out how? Then take your thumb out of your a.ss and
pay attention.

This EXCLUSIVE event has been reserved strictly for the following:

- Loyal Customers Who Bought Stompernet through me last November
and stayed with the program until now. (by the way, how the Hell
did you manage to put up with those guys this long?)

- Top Level A.ffiliates who have made me m.illions

- Underground Multi-Millionaires from around the world

- High Visibility Internet Market.ers

- Celebrity Friends

- The Hottest Chicks on the Planet

- Whoever else I fuking felt like inviting

And that's it.

But guess what. Some of those Affilia.tes, Cele.brities,
and Internet Mark.eters have now been BLACKLISTED because they're
just too fu*king LAME.

Either they whined about not being able to get their friends
in, or they annoyed me with a barrage of phone calls & emails, or they
ASSUMED they were automatically in.

Or, they didn't live up to things promised in the past.

No matter what, those fu*kers are out. So now I'd like
to name names. Here is a partial list of lame a.sses that
have officially been UNINVITED. More names will be released
soon. So if you don't see your name here, you are NOT SAFE.

Originally slated to attend and NOW BLACKLISTED:

Rich Schefren
Brad Fallon
Andy Jenkins
Alex Mondossian
Buck Rizvi
Brock F.elt
Neil Strauss
Ryan Seacrest
Armand Morin
Kevin Wilke
Matt Gill
Jeremy Schoemaker
Mark Joyner
Joe Vitale
Hillary Duff
Ed Dale
Courtney L.ove
Derek Gehl
Michael Fortin
Robert Kiyosaki
Jake G.yllenhaal
Keith Baxter

There are still more to come. If you've ever even
remotely fuked with me, expect your name to show up soon.

Or if I just flat out don't like you for whatever reason,
the same thing goes for you.

So that's 22 slots opened. You want to claim one of them? Then show
me the fu*king money, cuz a spot on my guest list is GOLDEN.

In fact, I want to hear from you. What would you be willing to
pay for one of these recently opened slots to my LEGENDARY
Playboy Mansion party?

Click on the link below and you will be taken to a page where
you'll have ONE chance to convince me you should be invited.

And keep your sob stories to yourself. I don't care if your uncle
showed you a special surprise in his pants when you
were a kid. That's your problem.

I don't care if you're a cripple in a wheelchair. I don't wanna
be worrying all night that my feet are gonna get rolled over by
your cheap a.ss wheelchair. I don't have time for that sh*t.

I only want to know how much money you wanna give me for a spot.
And it better be A LOT or don't bother.

So that's it.

Put up, or shut up.
Later Losers,


P.S. No gays or midgets allowed.

AdWords Tycoons

And another product launch is RUNNING around: The AdWords Tycoons - and it seems like the marketing crowd hops on the wagooooon...

Read this email:

Finally, you can learn what REALLY works (and doesn't) to become
incredibly wealthy online!

No longer will you have to worry about overhyped programs that
don't deliver!

Because AdWords Tycoons are breaking their silence, coming up from
underground, and sharing all of their potent and mind blowing
techniques for massive Internet success.

Including, one deadly technique that brought them over $390,000 in
less than two months. Have a look for yourself...


With the AdWords Tycoons' simple and sure-fire techniques for
driving traffic and making incredible sums of money you won't
believe the lifestyle you're about to live.

Most people would be satisfied making $390,000 a year... even every
two years... but with the power of the AdWords Tycoons program in
your hands, you'll soon be able to do this in just months, too!

But you need to act quickly because there's a limit to how many
will be sold. Don't waste another minute.

Get over to http://hopurl.com/36481 and secure your copy

Here's your success,


PS - In case you wish to catch a glimpse of your future one more
Seems like everybody is promoting the heck out of this product:

The MarketingMainEvent at www.marketingmainevent3.com

Here is the next mail I got:

Sorry for everyone who missed out on GoogleCashDetective yesterday.
It looks like the 500 copies sold out within a couple of hours.

If they re-open, I will let you know. If not, I will let you know
when UnderCoverProfits re-opens.

And I will keep on plugging one or the other until the wheels fall
off. The method is that powerful.

Speaking of insanely powerful pieces of software, today sees the
launch of Marketing Main Event 3.

Marketing what?... what does it do? Well, short answer - pretty
much everything.

And if you are really serious about on-line marketing, you should
give it a very serious look:

==> http://www.dayjobkiller.com/automatedsevenfigures

Here's why...

MME3 automates the entire on-line marketing process (and I do mean
all of it) - the software is basically a massive collection of
modules that run different parts of your on-line business.

Everything from SEO to membership site software to... well, like I

It's an advanced version of the same software that Jeremy used to
generate $1,000,000 with ease last year. The same setup that powers
and automates his 60,000+ membership site.

It cost over $100,000 to develop and if you are serious about
building a six or seven figure on-line business but don't know
anything about coding, web creation, seo etc... then it's *the*
all-in-one solution:

If that's where you are at now, head there take action:

==> http://www.dayjobkiller.com/automatedsevenfigures

If you want to sell products on-line (not just info products, but
ANY product), or profit from AdSense, then the site will automate
every step in the creation of your website and business. I suggest
you give the sales letter a very good read. There really is an
insane amount on offer at this price.



the MarketingMainEvent 3 from www.marketingmainevent3.com

I got this very good email from Anik Silver about the MarketingMainEvent 3 from http://www.marketingmainevent3.com today:

This is not new advice coming
from me. I've been a big believer in this
for years. Being an affiliate is a great
business, but if you want the quickest way
to double your business - you need to also
launch your own product.

I talk to affiliates all the time who have
HUGE e-mail lists, or sites that get 100k+
visitors a month.

But, they only do affiliate marketing or
things like Google Adsense, when I ask them
what products of their own they have - many
shrug their shoulders and say "I don't have
any good ideas..." or "I don't want that

As for the "ideas" excuse - I don't buy it!
You promote tons of products and
services every day! You even have an upper
hand because you've tested your traffic and
know exactly what kinds of offers convert
the best.

As for the "headache..." excuse me, ok, so I
semi-buy it. It *can* be a headache to have
your own product (especially depending on
what kind of product).

All of a sudden you have to deal with product
fulfillment, payment processing, customer
support, the technology to run/deliver the
product and a million other things.

"My" main problem when I wanted to launch
my own products was that I am technically
challenged so I hated having to manage a
coding staff and then dealing with bugs and
failures when they came up (especially when
customers start yelling).

When I initially started, there really were
no good solutions that I could just copy and
paste, especially because I believe in
recurring membership sites - not just onesy,
twosy products.


Now, trying to run a membership site added
an entirely different set of problems -
mostly technology. But, still I dealt with
the headaches and it was always profitable
for me.

However, in the last 2 years, many new
technologies have come out to make this much
easier for YOU, the affiliate, to easily
launch your own membership sites and products.

I've learned now and my main focus is always
to find the best "ALREADY BUILT SYSTEMS" that
I can just plug-in and immediately start with.
This way I not only save money, but a ton of
headaches by not having to deal with corky
programmers all day long (no offense to all
you technical people ;)


Ok, before I even show you this, let me
start by saying - you know how I feel about
"oober goober" packages and too much hype.
It's very rare to see products/services that
actually deserve even 1/2 the hype they get.

I tell you this, because I can almost guarantee
you have another e-mail from someone right now
about this new system and they are probably
doing back-flips to get you to click the link.

Well, before you even bother, I want you to
know exactly what the system can do so you
know whether it is for you at all or not.

(The sales letter is enormous and at times
a bit confusing, so I've tried to cut through
the ruff here ).


About 1 month ago I was contacted and
offered a review copy of a new system
to make it much easier for anyone to
launch a FULLY functional membership
site - completely tapped into payment
processing, ad management, membership
management, etc...

My first thought was "here we go again,
another buggy script for me to test and
waste time on."

However, it's proven quite different. The
script is even completely Web 2.0 enabled.
So, the idea is that YOU have an idea for
a site, you go in, put this script on your
server - update some of the areas such
as "payment processor" etc, put up your
content and you can start up almost


Well if you already have a list (small
or big) and if you already have traffic
to a website, you can almost instantly
launch your own membership site.

Now what if you DON'T have traffic?

The neat thing about this script is that
it comes with full advertising management.
So, as your site builds itself with new
members, it is programmed to be SEO friendly,

Here are all the features that are
completely automated for you:

-> Membership Management
Create multiple levels, free, paid,
however you want.
Works with Paypal and 2CO.

-> Design & Page Control
No programming, you can add content
very easily.

-> Multi-Level Admin
This is HUGE - this way you can control
what employee sees what (critical if you

-> Customer Support
A full customer support center built-in,
so it's easy for you to offer "Fortune
500" style support

-> Ad Management
Automatically add things like Adsense

-> Ad Management
Easily control banner ads, text ads,
just about any kind of ad you want

-> Full Admin Control
You can do anything like schedule mailings,
block users, etc... - CRITICAL for when
your site starts to get big.

How would you like 100s of people like YOU
promoting your websites - they have tracking
built right in!

Alright, those are the basics, the script has
many more features too - but these are the
most critical.

I can honestly say that it would cost you a
minimum of at least $10,000 to get a good
programmer to even TALK to you about a site
that can do this.

Not to mention all the upgrades, bug checking,
and just the headache of spending months
developing it.

The cost for the script comes to about $100
per license. They give you 10 licenses right
up-front and basically everything you need to
get started.

Rene, if you're even THINKING about
starting a membership site, whether you're
an experienced marketer or a "newbie" - taking
a look at what Jeremy and Simon are offering
is a big MUST.

Like I said, you may be seeing LOTS of hype
about this all over the net - but I've given
you the CORE of what the offer is. Now the
sales letter is going to make much more sense!


Either way, if you're an affiliate and not
selling your own products - you better start,
you're leaving too much money on the table.

Until next time,

Anik Singal
Affiliate Classroom, Inc.

Here is another email follow-up

From Mike Ray:

I've offered you my PROVEN AND EFFECTIVE book “Putting the Net in Network Marketing” on several different occasions, but I haven't heard back from you, although I have heard from a bunch of other smart folks, just like you.

Quite frankly...that puzzles me.


Because I truly believe in the value of this book. And I want you to. In fact, I believe in my book so much that I offer a risk-free Guarantee that covers you for 90 days! Try my techniques, test them for yourself. If you don’t feel you receive at least 10 TIMES your money back within those 90 days, get a hold of me and I will refund your money.

Just gimme a call, fax, or e-mail and I'll rush your refund to you. No hard fee lings. No hassles.

To read about my "No Risk" guarantee and the entire book in more detail, simply visit my website:

Remember, there's no risk with my personal hassle-free guarantee... and you have everything to gain.

To your business building success,

Mike Ray

PS - A member of my organization has been the #1 sponsor in North America for the last three years running using this system. The system has assisted individuals from all over the globe to grow a six figure income in network marketing all from the convenience of their home and comput er.

Montag, 4. Juni 2007

You sure have seen these types of email ... BEWARE!

You have seen those emails?

You know what to think about it.

Dear Sir/Madam,

As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry for me, because, I believe
everyone will die someday.

My name is Dr Joseph Michael, a merchant in Dubai, in the U.A.E.I have been
diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer which was discovered very late, due to my
laxity in carrying for my health. It has defiled all forms of medicine, and
right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical

I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for
anyone not even myself but my business. Though I am very rich, I was never
generous, I was always hostile to people and only focus on my business as
that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this as I now know
that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money
in the world.

I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would
live my life a different way from how I have lived it.

Now that God ! has called me, I have willed and given most of my properties
and assets to my immediate and extended family members and as well as a few
close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul and so, I
have decided to give arms to charity organizations and give succour and
confort to the less priviledged in our societies, as I want this to be one
of the last good deeds I do on earth.

So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the
U.A.E, Algeria and Malaysia. Now that my healthhas deteriorated so badly, I
cannot do this my self anymore. I once asked members of my family to close
one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity
organization and to the less priviledged in Bulgaria and Pakistan, they
refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them
anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them.

The last of my money which no one knows of is the huge cash deposit of
fourteen million dollars($14m) that I have with a Security Company in Europe
for safe keeping. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and
disburse it to some charity organizations and to the less priviledged.

N/B:Kindly note that 40% of this funds must go to victims of Tsunami,
Hurricane Katrina , Hurricane Wilma and South Asia Earthquake ,50% to other
Charity Organizations around the World and 10% for your effort and time.

I cannot talk with you on the phone due to my health situation, as I am
using my Lap Top Computer to communicate with you. You should respond to
this e-mail if you are interested in carrying out this assignment on my
Please send me a mail to indicate if you will assist me in this

I await to hear from you, may God be with you and your entire family.

Remain blessed

(name deleted)

Affiliates Undercover from www.affiliateundercover.com

David Thompson sent me this offer: "Affiliates Undercover" from www.affiliateundercover.com:

I just had to send you this, you see
Eric Rockefeller has these dirty little
methods to dominate any niche.

Eric open up a can of Clickbank worms,
it's devious and blackhat we won't sell
it on our marketplace, that's what CB
had to say.

Clickbank won't allow him to sell it in
there marketplace unless he rewrites
the parts on how to extract money on
demand and at will.

Eric is so piss he's now selling it
on PayPal marketplace and he's going
to let you have for just $6.97, just
so you can go kick CB up the backside...lol

Check it out >>>

See you soon and continue having a great weekend.

David Thompson

How to Get Money for Bills, Gifts and Anything Else

I just received an email by Jason Mangrum:

I just completed my new free viral site called,
"How to Get Money for Bills, Gifts and Anything Else!"
and would love to get your honest feedback...

The Free Viral Site is Here:

But first... let me give you a warning.

These methods I reveal in detail are quite controversial,
and extremely unconventional in the world of business.

My mission is to establish a fusion with Science and Spirit
once again, and allow you to conduct your own experiments
using these ancient methods that prove their weight in gold.

This is a free site and only takes a small investment
of your time and willingness to learn something new.

Be Blessed,
Jason Mangrum

Click here to check out the Program Jason is promoting.

Freitag, 1. Juni 2007

Clear My Mail from Clear My Mail.com

Consumer: Computer Users

The purpose of Clear My Mail is to eliminate SPAM from inboxes as well as all emails containing viruses.

Pros: With a subscription to Clear My Mail you get guaranteed 100% success rate, complete email virus protection, FREE Gift worth $19, 18 layer spam filter and free updates for the lifetime of your subscription.. You can also get a 30-day free trial before you pay anything at all.

One happy Clear My Mail user in the UK said, “A wonderful spam blocker that is fool proof! I have gone from receiving around 180 spam emails per day (which even though they go in the spam folder still need deleting!) to NONE! Thanks!!” None is a very good thing when it comes to SPAM.

Dealing with all mail eats up valuable time. If you can eliminate any of that time waster it would be a good thing and the Clear My Mail Program can do just that!

Cons: Most email programs today come with Spam filters that are very effective and at not extra charge.

Guarantee: The Clear My Mail program is guaranteed to be 100% effective.

Value for money: Clear My Mail is a very good value.