Donnerstag, 17. April 2008

Traffic Kahuna - Is it worth? Scam? Bogus? BS?

Oh my god!

I am getting bombarded with emails for this program:

Traffic Kahuna from

Hell -- here is one from Charles Heflin:

Imagine if you had 500 online friends who owned
a total of 650+ human-edited blogs and 1100+
high-quality websites.

Even better... what if these friends let you publish
your articles and content snippets on their blogs
and websites at any time -- giving you referral
traffic and quality backlinks that boost your
search engine rankings almost instantly.

I know this might sound like a pipe
dream or some new search engine spam tool,

You have every right to be skeptical. But, do
yourself a favor and check this out.

If you are looking for a squeaky clean way to get
more traffic, more links and higher search engine
rankings -- without trying the latest Google trick,
scheme or short-lived tactic -- then this is EXACTLY
what you've been waiting for.

YEAH! Baby!

But: I get emails from a ton of marketers I trust!!!

Not those: there is a new affiliate product and I have to sell it...

I think this will be valuable.

I am taking the yearly mebership fee that saves 45%.

Enough said.

1 Kommentar:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Nice information. What about the side photos. I did not find any link there.