Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2007

A Page You Should Bookmark

I got this mail from John Reese - and has great infos:

WARNING: Don't skim this email. There are
some killer resources you need to 'see' -- so
make sure you read it all carefully.

If you're on some other email lists you have
possibly already heard about the "Altitude" program
and Eben Pagan.

Most people are saying...


Well, Here's The Answer:

* He's one of the smartest marketers on the
entire Internet. He's doing about $20 MILLION
PER YEAR all online right now and I'd be surprised
if he's not doing $50 Million+ within another year
or so.

And he built his empire with simple infoproducts
that he sells to the "dating advice" and "self improvement"

Unlike other "my friend " marketing
copy a lot of marketers love to use, Eben is actually
a REAL FRIEND of mine.

In fact, he's a very close friend. He was just hanging
out at my house about 10 days ago.

By now you've probably heard some of the "stories"
about my famous "War Room" that I have in my house...

It's a room that has all its walls made of WHITEBOARD
material. You can literally walk around and write
on any of the walls.

From time to time I have "strategy sessions" in
this room with a wide-range of marketers.

When Eben recently came to visit we had a nice
"War Room" session. I always get a lot out of
our brainstorming sessions.

Of all the marketers I know (and I know
pretty much the best of the best) Eben is probably
the one I learn the most from. He just has that
"gift" for business that's unexplainable. He can
look at practically anything (project/scenario/etc.)
and just make it better... so it makes more

Eben is not some "Internet Marketing Guru" nor
does he want to be. He's already making a fortune
(and will continue to for many years) with his
niche market business. But he does want to do
some limited teaching (he enjoys it) to teach
others how to build a BIG BUSINESS like he has.

So if you've received some recent emails about
him it's because of his new Training Program.

If you're in this business for real, I can't recommend
his training program highly enough.

If you had to pick JUST ONE 'coach' to help you
grow your business, Eben Pagan is hands-down
the guy I would recommend.


Did you see the awesome "Quiz" thing that he is
using and GIVING AWAY? (software) ???

If you haven't, you MUST check it out.

I've been saying since early 2004 that if you can
increase the "interactivity" with your marketing
you can increase your response.

At my workshop in March 2004, I revealed my
"Baby Shower Secrets" questionnaire that I had
come up with. It made visitors answers some
questions before seeing a sales letter (that was
customized based on their answers).

Well, Eben, takes this to another level. If you haven't
yet seen it, check this out!!!

Just take the quiz and watch what happens. See if
you can figure out what he's doing...


Eben has recently produced some awesome videos
for growing any business. Check them out here:

Marketing Tips - Part 1 of 3

Marketing Tips - Part 2 of 3

Marketing Tips - Part 3 of 3

Like I said, this guy is one of the smartest marketers
on the Internet. I wasn't kidding. :-)

I don't make a penny if you buy something from him
and his company. But again, if you're in this business
for real you need to take a look at his new Training Program
where he's teaching how to grow a business from zero
(or some sales) to the $10 Million+ a year level.

There are very few people ON PLANET EARTH that
have done what he has and is willing to show you
exactly how he did it.

So here's the link for info on the Training Program:

But no matter what make sure and check out the
"quiz" thing and watch his videos. They're well worth
your time.

I'm sure you'll instantly start to think of ways you can use
that stuff in your marketing to make more money
and that's what this is all about.

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Here are more of the Case Studies Eban provides:

And Hiring Tips plus Tips to grow your business:

Hiring Tips - Part 1 of 4 -

Hiring Tips - Part 2 of 4 -

Hiring Tips - Part 3 of 4 -

Hiring Tips - Part 4 of 4 -

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2007

The Affiliate Radar at the PPC Software that should have come with MSN, Yahoo and Adwords

This is a promo email from the Rich Jerk:

I don't want to brag...

Who am I kidding? SURE I DO!

I'M now making a killing using Yahoo and MSN PPC.

I had some of my best guys in the Ukraine whip up
a little piece of software that takes ALL of my
profitable campaigns in Adwords and INSTANTLY
puts them into Yahoo and MSN without having to lift
a finger.

This literally saves my staff days of work.

I figured I'd dominate for a few months and then let
a couple of my subscribers take the software for a test drive.

Then I got a phone call.

Some jerk-off on the east coast (New Jersey I think),
saw what I was doing and built the system for himself.

His system actually does a pile more things than mine can. Bastard!

If you're an affiliate marketer, you may start to cry when
you see what it can do.

Am I pissed?


Do I blame him?

No. It was a brilliant little concept that was bound
to be discovered sometime.

He's a smart motha fokah.

So now mister 'smarty pants' is RELEASING the system.

(DO NOT read his 'The PPC SpyTool Conspiracy' report,
it will only upset you)

If you MUST read it, go here:

It just pisses my off to high heaven when people steal my ideas.

After the seminar tonight, this guy should probably have someone
start his car for him. I'm just saying... this guy Mark is on
my sh*t list.

Let that be a warning to all the idea 'borrowing' gurus out there,


P.S. Last year, I taught a distant cousin of of mine how to
LEGALLY steal people sites to earn some quick scratch.
I got this promotion mail by Jack Humphrey today.

It is about affiliate Classroom, which I recommend to:

There are many paths to take if you want to succeed in
online marketing. For example, we teach people how to build
content-rich authority sites. Others teach the
underachiever method for selling eBooks. And, yet, others
teach affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best routes to go until
you create your own product or start a membership site.
Funny thing is, many affiliate marketers never need to
create their own product because the affiliate marketing
alone proves to be so lucrative.

You see this over and over again with so many marketers.
Let me let you in on an inside tip. Most internet marketers
out there teaching affiliate marketing are students of one
guy. His name is Anik Singal and he wrote the book on
affiliate marketing. Plain and simple.

I'm not sure if you were involved in internet marketing 2
years ago, but I remember when Affiliate Classroom was
launched in January 2005 (one month before Content Desk!)

It swept the industry by storm, the biggest break-through
was their "Step-By-Step" training program that is a
web-based software that actually gives you small step by
step instructions AND tracks your progress (on as many
websites as you want).

Back then, software like that didn't exist. Where else
could you track your results and get detailed instructions
in one place for one low monthly fee.

See, most training programs recently, have a BIG bang
launch, make money for the owner and then a year later,
they're dead.

But, Affiliate Classroom has been around for well over 2
years and is now industry-wide recognized as a premium
affiliate training center.

We all know that results are the most important barometer
of any training program. At the Affiliate Classroom, the
average student saw an 11-40% increase in their profits.

Actually over 50% of the students reported seeing an
increase in their business of over 23%!

Here's the big news... Anik and the Affiliate Classroom
just announced a completely new training center! They took
the last 2 years of experience and have revamped their
entire training.

> Made the step by step EVEN simpler
> Added MORE free tools including keyword research
> New interviews, case studies & more!

The support is fantastic too. They now have a team of over
10 people dedicated JUST to helping their AC students build
their business.

As if all this was not enough, Affiliate Classroom doesn't
charge you a crazy fee to use their training and
participate in their 24/7 community - all Affiliate
Classroom asks for you to get started is $1.

So, today, skip your coffee or soda and invest in the
training that over the last 2 years is helping their
students increase their business by 11-40%!

If nothing else, just go read the types of results they've
produced (this really proves that ANYONE CAN make money
online - just with the right training)!

Yours For Authority Site Profits,

Jack Humphrey

Dienstag, 17. Juli 2007

Unique Article Wizard from

A few weeks ago I stumbled upon an amazing website. As soon as I
read the sales copy, I knew that this was different than anything
that I was currently doing.

To say that this is powerful, is really an understatement.

I have been testing this out ever since I found the website and I
am totally blown away.

The concept is rather simple, but the results you can achieve are
nothing less than incredible.

I suggest you take a look at this ASAP:

I am giving this my recommendation. I wish I would have come
up with this idea myself. ;)

If you put this to use (and you definitely should), you can boost
your website rankings and traffic for any website.

It is as simple as that!

The SiteStealer Harris Fellman

Just wanted to share some personal info
with you that you may not know...

Of course you know about the 15K in 7
Days launch, and how successful it was.

The thing you may not know, is that I
basically copied my entire business model
off of 4 sites that had launched just one
month prior...

Hey, why reinvent the wheel when you already
know what works?

I did the same thing with List Profit Academy
when I launched that site (a Butterfly Site),
just took what was working and copied it...

Well, today Sal "The Site Stealer" is letting
the cat out of the bag, and showing how you can
literally steal my site, as well as many other
successful sites in a snap...

Check it out, and happy "stealing":

AdWords, AdSense, But Google Don't Like It...

This is from the Day Job Killer Chris & Alex....

Are you an Adsense Ninja making $10,850 per month? Do you pull
in $250 a day with Adwords doing something that Google hate?

If so, you can (almost) safely ignore this message.

Otherwise, get ready for a very limited chance to see through
the eyes of a $10,000/month AdSense profiteer - and copy a
sneaky system from a $7,000 per month entrepreneur.

One of the Insiders you already know, the other you might not...

Now, we at Project Black Mask have a thick skin. After all
the name calling and finger pointing at the black hat, devious
trickery that we unleashed on the market just last month, we
need that thick skin. But this is a business. A money
business - and we tell it like it is.

And that means we don't harbour a grude against people who
have moral issues with us and our devious techniques. That is,
provided two requirements are met: firstly, they need to be
making stupid amounts of money on-line, and secondly, they need
to have a proven record of teaching others how to do the same.

And, today, I have discovered someone who has done exactly
that - an unknown who went from $4 a day to $400 a day and
has the proof to back it up. He might not like our devious
side, but we like those numbers.

And, since I was so impressed with the techniques this guy
is using to pull in $400 profit per day, I even called up my
secret connection, Alex (The Insider - from Project Black Mask)
to create a very special, super nasty report on AdSense-Adwords

A report that you can´t find anywhere else. A report that
finally explains how to profit by combining AdSense and Adwords
in 2007 - doing something that Google really don't like (so
you know it has to be damn profitable).

And, those who take action get this very special report - for fre.e.

But, that wasn´t quite enough - and we even went one further,
and managed to secure a discount for our valued members. But
don´t blink - you might miss out on the offer. It´s that limited...

Download AdSense Decoded & Secret Bonus ===>

So, what exactly is the insider information you are about to
be privy to? Well, it's called AdSense Decoded and it's a
series on complete, step-by-step videos that out-line how one
man is pulling in well over $10,000 a month in AdSense earnings.

The videos are some of the most advanced, and yet easy-to-follow
Adsense tutorials on the planet. Period. In itself, the offer
is truly incredible. But, we had to go one better - or rather,
*two* better.

You see, the first point to make is that AdSense Decoded is
normally $117 - expensive and rightly so (Patrick is making
$10k a month, so he isn´t letting you copy his business for
chump change).

So, while the price is more than fair (a six figure business
for $100 anyone?) I still wasn´t satisfied: I twisted Patrick´s
arm and managed to secure a massive $40 discount on that price.
But, offers this good come with limits, and the discount will
not last long. That's a point I return to later...

Access the exclusive, one off discount ==>

Secondly, you already know Alex, the Insider behind the
Project Black Mask methods (did I mention he makes $7,000/month
with AdSense?) Well, Alex has written a special report on
AdSense / Adwords arbitrage - showing how you can setup
auto-pilot mini income streams (and believe me they do add up).
If you´ve ever wondered how the real $7,000/month guys profit
with Adwords arbitrage, you´re about to discover the Inside Scoop...

Download Decoded and your Secret Bonus Report ==>

1) Order AdSense Decoded Here
2) Forward your CB receipt to

Now back to the information inside AdSense Decoded. From the
basics to the advanced tricks and tips that squeeze the last
drops of juice out of your Adsense Pages, you can´t afford
to be in the dark.

Here is some of the material covered:
- Learn how an average guy went from $5 to $400 a day with
no prior experience
- Get a whopping 50% Click Through Rate on your ads
- Discover the best ways to blend Adsense to affiliate programs
for maximum cash per visitor
- The ad formats and account settings that boost your profits
on each hit
- How to track your Adsense so that you can multiply your
strongest earning niches and build winners only websites
- Examples of superb ad positioning for sky high conversions
- How to kick up the amount Google pays you for the very same
click by taking advantage of smart-pricing
- How to target high paying keywords (this is very important
for the cloakers out there)
- How to get started with incredibly profitable arbitrage

There is just no way all that could have been covered in Project
Black Mask: it would have been thicker than the Lord of the Rings...

And, one final point - both the AdSense Decoded videos and our
exclusive Adwords/AdSense arbitrage report are easy to follow, so
even newbies can clone a six figure business right out of the gate.


And, as I say, offers this good come with limits.

Which means, that our special report is only available to the
first 100 buyers. Rough translation - you need to move very
quickly if you want to learn how the genius behind Black Mask
profits the easy way with Adwords and AdSense.

Moreover, Patrick was not happy about handing out such a large
discount - and only did so on the condition that he could pull
it quickly when he feels enough is enough. I agreed.

Which makes this opportunity - the material inside Decoded,
the discount, the Insider's exclusive report - super limited
and open to change at any time.

I advise anyone serious about profiting with AdSense and
AdWords to take action.


It´s simple, to claim your bonus do the following...

1) Order AdSense Decoded Here --
2) Forward your CB receipt to


Chris & Alex

Chan Do Internet Success System Coaching Program

Patric Chan has something on the market:

I like to walk down the memory lane
here a little bit.

I realized that I was always the
fortunate person when an opportunity
knocks on my door. Each time I
acted on it with my guts feeling that
this is the 'ONE', I was given a
better value.

I guess I realized now why many
of these marketers offer this to me.

Without any argument, they want
to create urgency for me to order
but there's another reason to it.

They like to teach people who
can make smart decisions FAST
and take actions to be successful
when opportunity comes knocking
on their door.

It makes their life easier because
smart people are easy to teach for
success. Don't you think so?
Basically, I don't want to attract
tire-kickers that keep on whining
day and night.

Now I want to extend the same
privilege to you because you have
shown interest by purchasing
the Online Niche Secrets Audio
Course previously.

The 50 seats are not open to the
public yet but I'll give you the
priority to signup now as an
early bird before they are all
sold out.

Use this special link:
On top of that-- if you're the
first 10 to signup, I'll
automatically upgrade your purchase
to the Deluxe Version which
includes 15 recorded coaching calls
I've done with my past clients.

I know this is definitely an
unfair advantage.

But if you were me-- you would
have rewarded those who shown
interest by taking action, right?

You "Chan" Do It,


Montag, 16. Juli 2007

Big Monthly Income - Residual Income with Membershipsites

If you are looking for a residual monthly income from your online ventures you should consider Membership Websites or some kind of it...

Here is what Michael Rasmussen wrote about it:

If you've ever dreamed of having a LARGE monthly
income that grows larger every month, then you need to
see this video NOW. It reveals the #1 profit generator
that almost every single guru (including me) relies

What is this amazing method for making a ton of money
every month? Keep reading to find out (or just go
watch the video now. Here's the link below:



Here's the bottom line:

If you want to make big money online, you need to
create some kind of continuity program. Usually that
means creating a membership website, where people pay
you a monthly fee to belong to.

Think about it, imagine if you had a membership site,
and you got only one new member a day paying you a fee
of 19.95 per month. After one year, that's 365 members
that are earning you $7,281.75 each month!

Imagine what would happen if you got 5 members a day.
Or how about 10 members a day! The possibilities are
HUGE with membership websites, but there's just one


That's why I know you're going to love the video I
have to show you. It shows REAL statistics from REAL
membership websites, and I gotta tell you... these
numbers are inspiring!

Also, these are not 'puffed out' or exaggerated
figures. The guys behind the video show you
screenshots that prove that these sites are making
this kind of money month after month.

SIDENOTE: By the way, that's something you should
always keep in mind whenever you're trying to decide
if you can trust someone's screenshots. Always look to
see if they're willing to show you the income for
several months, not just for one lucky month where
they might have done a product launch. Want to check
out this video for yourself? Here's the link to see it


By the way, speaking of membership sites, I've got
another important announcement for you.


That's right, this is not an online video. This is a
real DVD that's shipped to your door. It's going to
cover ten of my best secret for getting a ton of
subscribers to your own membership site.

I can't reveal too much about it right now, but I'll
tell you more on Wednesday morning.

For right now, though, go ahead and watch the free
video that I mentioned. There's nothing to buy on this
page. Just watch the video, and start thinking about
what's possible for you with your own membership

Michael Rasmussen

The Big Secret revealed by John Reese: What should I sell online?

What should I sell online? What to sell online?

Ideas what to sell online? What to market on the internet?

John Reese did an excellent article about this:

#1 Problem Internet Marketers Have:

"What The Heck Do I Sell?"

I hear this time and time again...

People tell me they want to start making
money online but they have no idea
what to sell or how they will generate
an income.

The answer to this question, for about
95% of those making money online,
comes down to TWO product types:


That's pretty much it.

If someone is making money online
they are probably making money from
one of those areas or both.

And there are TWO ways to market
and make money in those areas...


Many people just want to be an
AFFILIATE so they don't have to deal
with shipping products and what many
feel is "actually running a business."

Hey, what could be better than just
driving traffic and getting paid?

There certainly is good money to be
made as an affiliate, but if you're only
focused on generating income as an
affiliate then you're really missing the

There's a lot more opportunity in being
a MERCHANT and having your own
affiliate force working hard to send you

You've probably heard the analogy
before, would you rather have 100%
of your own efforts or 1% of the efforts
of 100 others?

(Or however that saying goes.) ;-)

In other words, it's a major advantage
online to have a group of marketers
working hard to send traffic to your
site! You don't even have to do any
work... they do all the SEO, PPC campaigns,
etc. You just pay that person a commission
after they send you a paying customer.

It really is the "ultimate" business deal.

But to be a merchant you need to be
selling your own products, right?


This is a "myth" that most people
completely misunderstand.

Many marketers think to sell products
themselves they need to invent some
unique "widget" or go and put in months
of work to create some information product.

But let's back up for a moment...

I mentioned there are TWO main product
types being sold online:


Content would be information products.
From ebooks to DVDs, CDs, manuals,
binders, etc.

But content can also be information freely
publishing on blogs, web sites, or in other
ways that is monetized by advertising.
(i.e. AdSense or ads sold to advertisers.)

So don't just think of 'content' as some
infoproduct that's sold. An active blog with
regular posts that's generating a good amount
of traffic and can be monetized by ads is
generating revenue from CONTENT.

To be in the content business as a
MERCHANT you pretty much DO
need to have your own UNIQUE CONTENT.

There are some minor exceptions to this
such as "resale rights" products but in the
over 15 years I've been marketing online I've
yet to come across anyone making a lot of
money from just selling a resale rights

Hey, just being honest.

Resale rights products CAN make some
decent money for some, but the ones that
usually do well with them are marketers
that are already selling their own unique
infoproducts to a group of customers and
then make additional revenue by offering
the resale rights product "in addition" to
their main products.

I think many newbie marketers fall into the
trap that they are going to get rich if they
just buy the resale rights to some product
they will have the license to sell.

Why doesn't this usually work?

For the same reason almost anything won't

In other words, when 1,000s of people can
buy the same resale rights, and all they have
to do is put the pre-written, pre-designed
web site online, the market is instantly
SATURATED with way too much competition.

There is MASSIVE opportunity online to
make money in a number of different
ways, but the best opportunities are almost
always those that take more WORK than

Yep, that's the secret.

Okay so we discussed the CONTENT side
a bit. Unless you're going to do what it takes
to create your own in-demend, UNIQUE
content, it's going to be very hard to make
a lot of money.

So what's the other option?


This is the 'part' of making money online
that I think is the most misunderstood...

There are some companies online selling
their own unique products that they actually
manufacture, but you know what?

This is probably less than 0.1% of the
BILLIONS upon BILLIONS being spent
online for merchandise.

Do you think is actually
'making' the products they sell?


How about Or
Or Or
Or Or

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Or what about the thousands of smaller
ecommerce stores that are making
their owners a small fortune?

Nope, not them either.


Yes, it sounds a bit confusing but on the
MERCHANDISE side of ecommerce
the majority of what's being sold is being
sold by MARKETERS and *not* the
actual manufacturer.

And YOU have every right to be one
of these marketers of merchandise
online... Yes, YOU can be the


You don't have to 'make' or 'invent'
a thing. Heck, you don't even have
to stock any inventory if you don't
want to either. It's called "Dropshipping."

You can make a lot of money with
your own ecommerce store selling
merchandise. (Or multiple stores
if you want -- they are easy and
cheap to setup.)


Remember how I said the better opportunities
are usually the ones that involve more WORK
than others?

Well, when it comes to making money
from your own ecommerce store, there *IS*
a barrier to entry.

This is the single biggest factor that keeps
so many other people from going into
business with their own successful
ecommerce store.

WHOLESALER? (And how do I get
setup to sell their stuff?)

And there it is. The Big Barrier.

THAT is why everyone and their brother
isn't setting up a successful ecommerce

It's the same reason why a small percentage
of eBay sellers make a lot of money week
in and week out while the majority of sellers
STRUGGLE to make any money at all.

If you've ever been surfing eBay and doing
some research into these sellers you've
probably already thought the same thing...

"If I only knew where they got their stuff
I can make money by selling it too!"

And you'd be 100% right.

Too bad it's nearly impossible to find out
where they are getting their merchandise.

And don't even think they are going to tell
you so you can compete with them.

So How Do You Find Real Wholesalers?

You have two options...

1. Spend A Lot Of Your Time And Energy
To Do Heavy-Duty 'Trial and Error' Yourself

2. Just Pay Someone Who Has Done It
For You

Option #2 seems like a no-brainer for sure.

This is the option that companies like Amazon,
Wal Mart,, etc. use. They certainly
don't jump from 'wholesaler' to wholesaler
and lose a ton of money only when they
discover the wholesaler they were working
with was a middle man marketing up the
cost of the products -- OR worse, they
end up working with a company that
doesn't actually supply the products
they promised to.

So these companies have research services
they use to find the best deals and
manufacturers and then they just focus
on doing what they do best -- MARKETING.

And this is what YOU need to do if you
want to make a nice living from running
your own successful ecommerce store.

But here's the problem...

Online there's no shortage of people
'claiming' to have "Secret Wholesale" lists.
Look around, you'll see them being sold

And if you're like me, you probably already
bought some and got burned. It happened
to me more than once and I'm not afraid
to admit it.


And if you did too don't feel bad. Thousands
of other people get suckered every week by
buying these FAKE wholesale lists.

So Let Me Just Cut To The Chase...

I know of the BEST wholesaler research
service on the planet. And there's a reason
this company has been profiled by
"eBay University" and Entrepreneur Magazine.

They are the REAL DEAL.

Their name is Worldwide Brands. If you've
been on my list for awhile then you probably
remember me briefly mentioning them in
the past.

If you have any interest at all in this stuff
then you need to just go and grab a
LIFETIME membership to their awesome
online directory/product research service.

It's worth GOLD. And that's no understatement.

And if you HURRY they are currently offering
a $50.00 DISCOUNT for the next few days --
which is what inspired me to write you this
email to tell you all about it.


As I previously mentioned, (my new
company) is no longer emailing affiliate promotions.
So I don't make one single penny if you go and buy a
membership from this company.

I just believe strongly in the INCREDIBLE VALUE
that they are offering and that is why I am
recommending them to you. *I* personally
have my own account with them. is going to be working with the
"best of breed" products and services, and
I have future plans to work with Worldwide Brands
because I really believe in what they are providing
their customers -- and I am sick and tired of
seeing people get SUCKERED like I did with
those garbage supplier lists.

So in case you haven't connected the dots yet...

Wonder where most of the successful eBay
sellers found their products? Or many of
the other ecommerce stores?

Through Worldwide Brands.

* You'd be surprised if you knew who some
of Worldwide Brands' customers were. Even
some "big shot" gurus you probably know of
are making millions by dropshipping products
they found through the Worldwide Brands'
OneSource online directory.

Even if you're slightly "on the fence" about
this stuff just go to this web site and watch
the VIDEO DEMONSTRATION of what this
is all about. You'll learn a lot about setting
up your own online store...

* The discount ends soon so you do need
to hurry if you want to save some money:


I'm starting a new "series" on the Blog...

It's called "What Are You Struggling With?"

I'll be making posts that address many of my
students' main problems and questions with
making money online.

You won't want to miss out on this valuable

You can post a comment in the following
entry to submit your own struggles for consideration.
I can't promise that I will address everyone's
submission but I will do my best:

Yours For Online Profits,

John Reese

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2007

3 Reasons Why People Don't Buy From Your Website

There are 3 reasons why people
don't buy from you..

1. They can't afford it...

This means they really can't afford what
your selling, no matter how bad they want it.

For A-level marketers, price as an objection
is no excuse, but in some cases, the money
just isn't there

2. They don't believe you...

Let's face it, people are skeptical in
nature, and tons of hype, big claims, and
broken promises has made "buyers beware"...

Your job as a marketer (you're a marketer no
matter what business you are in), is to make
sure people believe what you're saying...

This is done with guarantees, testimonials,
case studies, demonstrations, etc...

3. They don't want or need what you offer...

This one is a little tricky. Basically you
know whether or not you have a valuable product
and whether or not people should want or need it.

Your job is to make them aware of what's available
and educate them in a way that shows them the value
of what you have to offer...

They may need or want what you offer, and just don't
know it...

Keep these 3 things in mind whenever you are creating
and type of sales and marketing activities.

Montag, 2. Juli 2007

Blogging Strategy with from Rob Benwell

Blogging Strategy with from Rob Benwell

If you are into Blogging then this is for you:

Have you heard of a 22 year old
guy, Rob Benwell? Maybe you've heard of his
product, "Blogging To The Bank?" He came
out with a top-seller last year that was a
really short and interesting read about how
to make money blogging...

But to be honest, there were quite a few
black-hat strategies in there that just
didn't digest well with me - but the overall
book was excellent.

Well it seems Rob has crossed over the
LIGHT side (as oppsed to the dark side).

My biggest problem with all the black-hat
strategies in the world is that the sites
die away and you have to mass-produce to
keep up. And then when "I" have to find
something useful on the search engines, I
find pages full of this junk.

It's stressful, annoying and a waste of time.

However, with Rob's latest (just released
today) version of "Blogging To The Bank,"
he reveals all the strategies that he uses
to create blogs that not only last forever
but are optimized to convert into affiliate

Rob Benwell gives you details on everything you need about Blooging:

> Where to set-up the blogs
> What plug ins to use (how to install them)
> Exactly where to put your ads
> How to use Private Label content
> How many times to post
> Where to ping
> What Web 2.0 utilties to use and how...

The BEST part though is that it's just a 60+
page read. I read it in less than an hour,
skimming parts that I didn't need (like
hosting, etc...).

My PERSONAL favorite section was where Rob
discussed exactly how he uses Squidoo to
generate traffic. I've been hearing so much
about Squidoo lately, multiple threads even
on the Affiliate Classroom forum.

I was just getting ready to test it - but
Rob saved me from making some big mistakes!

It's a very inexpensive product and MORE
than worth the read. This is absolutely a
SURE-PROOF way to start your online business
if you have not yet and are struggling to
figure out what business model to use.

Learn more about he actually made 34,244
in just 1 month from his blogs, building
them the same way he teaches you...

Grab a copy and start reading it right away.
Make it a goal to read it before you go to
bed, that way the ideas start to stir up!