Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2007

I got this promotion mail by Jack Humphrey today.

It is about affiliate Classroom, which I recommend to:

There are many paths to take if you want to succeed in
online marketing. For example, we teach people how to build
content-rich authority sites. Others teach the
underachiever method for selling eBooks. And, yet, others
teach affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best routes to go until
you create your own product or start a membership site.
Funny thing is, many affiliate marketers never need to
create their own product because the affiliate marketing
alone proves to be so lucrative.

You see this over and over again with so many marketers.
Let me let you in on an inside tip. Most internet marketers
out there teaching affiliate marketing are students of one
guy. His name is Anik Singal and he wrote the book on
affiliate marketing. Plain and simple.

I'm not sure if you were involved in internet marketing 2
years ago, but I remember when Affiliate Classroom was
launched in January 2005 (one month before Content Desk!)

It swept the industry by storm, the biggest break-through
was their "Step-By-Step" training program that is a
web-based software that actually gives you small step by
step instructions AND tracks your progress (on as many
websites as you want).

Back then, software like that didn't exist. Where else
could you track your results and get detailed instructions
in one place for one low monthly fee.

See, most training programs recently, have a BIG bang
launch, make money for the owner and then a year later,
they're dead.

But, Affiliate Classroom has been around for well over 2
years and is now industry-wide recognized as a premium
affiliate training center.

We all know that results are the most important barometer
of any training program. At the Affiliate Classroom, the
average student saw an 11-40% increase in their profits.

Actually over 50% of the students reported seeing an
increase in their business of over 23%!

Here's the big news... Anik and the Affiliate Classroom
just announced a completely new training center! They took
the last 2 years of experience and have revamped their
entire training.

> Made the step by step EVEN simpler
> Added MORE free tools including keyword research
> New interviews, case studies & more!

The support is fantastic too. They now have a team of over
10 people dedicated JUST to helping their AC students build
their business.

As if all this was not enough, Affiliate Classroom doesn't
charge you a crazy fee to use their training and
participate in their 24/7 community - all Affiliate
Classroom asks for you to get started is $1.

So, today, skip your coffee or soda and invest in the
training that over the last 2 years is helping their
students increase their business by 11-40%!

If nothing else, just go read the types of results they've
produced (this really proves that ANYONE CAN make money
online - just with the right training)!

Yours For Authority Site Profits,

Jack Humphrey

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