Rich Scheffren told me about an interesting new book from
Tim Knox: "Everything I know about business" at www.timsmama.comIt's a very different business book from Tim Knox, as you
can tell from the title...
** Everything I Know About Business I Learned From My Mama:
A Down Home Approach To Business and Personal Success...
Tim Knox hardcover book is now available online and in book stores
across the country. You can get it for less than $20.
Tim Knox business book is raising a lot of eyebrows in the business
community, and rightly so. That's why I agreed to help him with
his book launch. You'll see how I am involved when you go to
his site and see what all the excitement is about:
Whether you've been in business for a while, or are just starting
out, I'm sure you'll pick up something big you can use in your
business right away.
That's really why I'm participating and letting you know about
Tim's new book. Because I know reading it will help you out with
your business. And that's what I'm here for.
It's actually got a humorous side to it, but don't let that sway
your thinking. It's done well and a lot of people like it. He's
sure to be on the Amazon Best-Seller List after this release.
One critic called it, "Jeff Foxworthy meets Donald Trump."
I have a lot of respect for Donald Trump, and Jeff Foxworthy
is a pretty funny and very successful guy, so I don't think you
can go wrong.
Now here's what I am doing with Tim's promotion...
When you pick up a copy of Tim's new book, he's got a little
something extra for you. Actually, it's a lot of extra digital
bonuses you'd be glad to get at any price.
And all you have to do is pick up his book from one of the links
on his site that go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders.
After you have your receipt, return to Tim's page here:
Then enter your name and receipt number to get access to a
virtual treasure chest of resources for your business without
spending one penny extra.
It's as easy as that, and there's not even a one-time offer page
or anything like that. And you'll get very recent insights and
strategies you can use to put cash in the bank, from some of
marketing's true legends.
You'll also find something special from me that I'm sure will
improve your business and turn your world on it's ear. I am on
my final draft and you'll be first in the list to receive it.