Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007

How to grow your email list

Michael Rasmussen has something new... and very interesting: How to grow your email list. And you know: The Money is in the LIST.

First, is your email list really as big as you want it
to be? Second, are you making the kind of money from
your list that you know you should be making?

If the answer to either (or both) of those questions
is "no", then you're going to love what I'm about to
tell you. You see, something special is happening on
Wednesday, June 27th, and it has everything to do with
YOU, Rene.


I've just put the finishing touches on a KILLER new
video that will teach you six advanced techniques for
making a LOT more money from your email list.

SIDENOTE: Don't have a list yet? Don't worry,
because I'll address that on Wednesday too, and show
you how you can build one FAST!

Want to know the best part? The video is FREE!

That's all the information I can reveal right now, but
make sure you look out for my email at 8:00am on
Wednesday morning with the following subject line:

"Here's How To Build A Massively Profitable
Email List"

See you Wednesday.

Your Friend,
Michael Rasmussen

P.S. - Like I said before, I can't reveal all the
details about my free video yet, but I think it's
important to tell you this... it's only going to be
available for a short time, and to a limited number of

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