Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007

the MarketingMainEvent 3 from www.marketingmainevent3.com

I got this very good email from Anik Silver about the MarketingMainEvent 3 from http://www.marketingmainevent3.com today:

This is not new advice coming
from me. I've been a big believer in this
for years. Being an affiliate is a great
business, but if you want the quickest way
to double your business - you need to also
launch your own product.

I talk to affiliates all the time who have
HUGE e-mail lists, or sites that get 100k+
visitors a month.

But, they only do affiliate marketing or
things like Google Adsense, when I ask them
what products of their own they have - many
shrug their shoulders and say "I don't have
any good ideas..." or "I don't want that

As for the "ideas" excuse - I don't buy it!
You promote tons of products and
services every day! You even have an upper
hand because you've tested your traffic and
know exactly what kinds of offers convert
the best.

As for the "headache..." excuse me, ok, so I
semi-buy it. It *can* be a headache to have
your own product (especially depending on
what kind of product).

All of a sudden you have to deal with product
fulfillment, payment processing, customer
support, the technology to run/deliver the
product and a million other things.

"My" main problem when I wanted to launch
my own products was that I am technically
challenged so I hated having to manage a
coding staff and then dealing with bugs and
failures when they came up (especially when
customers start yelling).

When I initially started, there really were
no good solutions that I could just copy and
paste, especially because I believe in
recurring membership sites - not just onesy,
twosy products.


Now, trying to run a membership site added
an entirely different set of problems -
mostly technology. But, still I dealt with
the headaches and it was always profitable
for me.

However, in the last 2 years, many new
technologies have come out to make this much
easier for YOU, the affiliate, to easily
launch your own membership sites and products.

I've learned now and my main focus is always
to find the best "ALREADY BUILT SYSTEMS" that
I can just plug-in and immediately start with.
This way I not only save money, but a ton of
headaches by not having to deal with corky
programmers all day long (no offense to all
you technical people ;)


Ok, before I even show you this, let me
start by saying - you know how I feel about
"oober goober" packages and too much hype.
It's very rare to see products/services that
actually deserve even 1/2 the hype they get.

I tell you this, because I can almost guarantee
you have another e-mail from someone right now
about this new system and they are probably
doing back-flips to get you to click the link.

Well, before you even bother, I want you to
know exactly what the system can do so you
know whether it is for you at all or not.

(The sales letter is enormous and at times
a bit confusing, so I've tried to cut through
the ruff here ).


About 1 month ago I was contacted and
offered a review copy of a new system
to make it much easier for anyone to
launch a FULLY functional membership
site - completely tapped into payment
processing, ad management, membership
management, etc...

My first thought was "here we go again,
another buggy script for me to test and
waste time on."

However, it's proven quite different. The
script is even completely Web 2.0 enabled.
So, the idea is that YOU have an idea for
a site, you go in, put this script on your
server - update some of the areas such
as "payment processor" etc, put up your
content and you can start up almost


Well if you already have a list (small
or big) and if you already have traffic
to a website, you can almost instantly
launch your own membership site.

Now what if you DON'T have traffic?

The neat thing about this script is that
it comes with full advertising management.
So, as your site builds itself with new
members, it is programmed to be SEO friendly,

Here are all the features that are
completely automated for you:

-> Membership Management
Create multiple levels, free, paid,
however you want.
Works with Paypal and 2CO.

-> Design & Page Control
No programming, you can add content
very easily.

-> Multi-Level Admin
This is HUGE - this way you can control
what employee sees what (critical if you

-> Customer Support
A full customer support center built-in,
so it's easy for you to offer "Fortune
500" style support

-> Ad Management
Automatically add things like Adsense

-> Ad Management
Easily control banner ads, text ads,
just about any kind of ad you want

-> Full Admin Control
You can do anything like schedule mailings,
block users, etc... - CRITICAL for when
your site starts to get big.

How would you like 100s of people like YOU
promoting your websites - they have tracking
built right in!

Alright, those are the basics, the script has
many more features too - but these are the
most critical.

I can honestly say that it would cost you a
minimum of at least $10,000 to get a good
programmer to even TALK to you about a site
that can do this.

Not to mention all the upgrades, bug checking,
and just the headache of spending months
developing it.

The cost for the script comes to about $100
per license. They give you 10 licenses right
up-front and basically everything you need to
get started.

Rene, if you're even THINKING about
starting a membership site, whether you're
an experienced marketer or a "newbie" - taking
a look at what Jeremy and Simon are offering
is a big MUST.

Like I said, you may be seeing LOTS of hype
about this all over the net - but I've given
you the CORE of what the offer is. Now the
sales letter is going to make much more sense!


Either way, if you're an affiliate and not
selling your own products - you better start,
you're leaving too much money on the table.

Until next time,

Anik Singal
Affiliate Classroom, Inc.

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